seventeen + bi + any pronouns
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about me ˘͈ᵕ˘͈

name myko birthdate july 22
age 8teen horoscope cancer
country the netherlands
alignment chaotic good mbti infp hogwarts house hufflepuff
about me extended ♡
hi. i'm myrthe, but i go by myko more often online. i just post whatever i want whenever i want. my style is a mess so i don't have a core aesthetic. i like everything pleasing. i DO have a thing for blood (not posting blood without warnings tho, dont worry).
i also have submechanophobia, just thought that might be important to know someday :)
some of my socials are:
instagram (editing) : detectivetears
weheartit : idealtroye
pinterest: myrthe van rossum


danganronpa, film, hannibal, euphoria, good omens, music, editing, aesthetics, ..frogs
i’m also really interested in sex ed (if ur uncomfortable with it that’s totally fine! i don’t post about it often)
i also care my friends ! :) got a bunch of them but my main partners in crime are crow and archie. i’d die for them.
cringe culture is dead so here r some of my kins (characters i relate to). doubles r alright!
i kin for comfort mainly :)
Bruce Banner
Dieter Becker-wullf

Will Graham
Sonia Nevermind
Otis Milburn
Wanda Maximoff
hajime hinata
lydia deetz
grizz visser

+ unlisted :)
comfort characters (or just faves.)
these characters and ships are super sexy. if u don't like them i will invert your ribcage
Loki odinson
Hannibal lecter

comfort ships: (bc theyre kinda rad ngl)
ineffable husbands
murder husbands
do follow if:
just do it. ....unless:
don't follow if:
ur racist, homophobic, transphobic, u know the list.
you support ships that include any toxic trait (pedophilia, abuse, incest, etc)
You'll talk badly about someone i'm mutuals with and care for
ur not gonna listen to my opinions. im sensitive u know.
i also don't like the following things:
the ocean
groups of insects/spiders
stuff im into....
pastel gore . literally any cores (gothcore, kidcore, u name it) . goth fashion . old movies / music . kid's programs . controversity . soft materials . edgy music . crime . serial killers . art . writing . conspiracy theories . myths . collecting old dvds . walking through game/merch stores . dumb jokes . sleepovers . swimming . just going through pixiv / tumblr / insta whatever downloading everything i like . bowsette (never forget) . certain "insane" aus such as mastermind ishimondo . copypastas . tiktok . blood . chaos . i probably killed god, nobody will believe me . that's it . i already said frogs earlier right
i like them a little bit too much.
also this is gonna be rlly long so i recommend saving this page for last cuz i wont even bother putting a back button.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth , mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
AMERICA IS NOT A FUCKING COUNTRYThat's right, dipshit! And you know it. America is not a fucking country. If you fail to see
this, let me open your eyes:
1. The United States
That's right motherfucker! It's called the United States of America! That's your shitty country! America, or the Americas, is North America and South America combined! STOP CALLING YOUR AIDS REGION AMERICA WHEN YOU ARE JUST ONE LITTLE SHIT PIECE OF AMERICA! IT'S LIKE CALLING THE FUCKING MIDDLE EAST EURASIA!
"What the fuck is he talking about, Middle East is not a country lol! What a f*gogot!" Well YOUR FACE because USA is just as much a country as the Middle East! Which means, it is fucking NOT. However, a much better comparsion is
2. Europe
That's right fuckface. There is no fucking difference between Europe and USA. Europe consists of 50 countries with different laws. USA consists of 50 states with different laws. But the same flag. Both are 10.000.000 square kilometers. SO STOP SAYING WE CANT COMPARE THEM THEY ARE THE FUCKING SAME! And USA's countries are called
3. States
The fucking states. They are just like fucking countries, explained earlier. Also, if you ask an "American" where he OR SHE is from, he or she will not say "USA" or "America", but the state he or she is from. If you ask a European where he or she is from, he or she will say the country. NOT THE FUCKING REGION OF THE COUNTRY! And have you noticed how you have 5 different time zones? Most normal countries have one time zone even if they actually cross several ones. Don't blame this on your size, becasue CHINA IS ALSO CROSSING 5 FUCKING TIME ZONES BUT IT HAS THE SAME TIME ALL OVER! This is clear evidence the states are countries in disguise. Also, even if we assume I am wrong on all this
4. It's not your country
FUCKING COLUMBUS! America, talking about the whole region now not your shitty united countries, belonged to the INDIANS! not because they where from India, but Columbus was so mindfucked he thought he was in India. Then he brought some friends, raped the whole fucking thing and killed all natives. Because
5. You are not Americans
Columbus brought his European friends and claimed the whole fuck. Most of them British. Then he imported loads of black people from Africa as slaves. YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON SLAVERY AND IMPERIALIST SCUM! SO MUCH FOR "FREEDOM"! And Besides
6. You didn't even deserve a country
JUST LOOK AT YOU! FUCKING PIECE OF FAILURE SHIT! Your average IQ is 97 versus the global average 100 and European average 101. If you are dumb as fuck and know nothing about IQ, because yours is under 80, you might not think 3 or 4 points are very much. Well, THEY FUCKING ARE! And your obsession with FAT DISGUSTING SHIT THINGS. People are getting fat because of McDonald's, and other junk food, not to mention sweets and snacks, thanks to you. Fried Mars bars and pancake & sausage with chocolate chip on a stick is NOT FUCKING NORMAL. It's not even supposed to be edible! IT'S FUCKING GROSS, JUST LIKE YOUR FACE! USA is the only "country" in the world to ban Kinder Eggs, since the fat bastard kids just shoved the whole fucking thing into their mouths and suffocated due to the plastic capsule. And then you think you are SO FUCKING COOL? The Universe was created when someone popped your huge fucking goddamn ego bubble with a needle. Fucking
Aggron is basically what you'd get if put steel-plating on a dinosaur. WHAT TRAINER WOULDN'T WANT A FUCKING STEEL-PLATED DINOSAUR?! Check this shit out: Aggron's not only steel type, but he's a rock type. Those are like the 2 most badass types in the game - this fuck's tougher then diamonds. Diamonds are a girl's best friend? FUCK THAT SHIT. Get your bitch a Aggron for her birthday - she'll suck your dick on the spot, guaranteed.
What does your pokemon eat? Berries? Poffins? Man-made shit from the bowl? AGGRON EATS IRON, BITCH, STRAIGHT FROM THE GROUND. Not only that, but he claims an entire mountain as his own and beats down any punk bitches that try to step on his turf. And he'll even fix up his territory by planting trees everywhere and shit. HELL YEAH, SAVE THE EARTH YOU FUCKING HIPPIE!
NOW HOLD ONTO YOUR ASS, CAUSE HERE COMES SOME TECHNICAL SHIT So Aggron's got this move called head smash. It's pretty much the manliest move ever - he headbutts your weak-ass pokemon at full force with his fuckawesome steel spikes and shit. The move has 150 base power, Aggron has 110 base attack, and his ability rock head prevents recoil damage. What this means in non-pokemon is that... AGGRON WILL FUCK. YOUR. SHIT. BACKWARDS.
What's that? Hes too slow? Better watch what you say cunt, cause Aggron just used rock polish and is jettin' around your ass like motherfucking Sonic. But this ain't no gay ass hedgehog, THIS IS A MOTHERFUCKING AGGRON, READY TO KICK YOUR ASS TO HELL AND BACK. Think you can exploit Aggron's weakness? THINK AGAIN, ASSHOLE. Aggron's ready to metal burst your pussy attacks right back at you. And as if that wasn't enough badassery to last a lifetime, Aggron can also support the rest of the cunts on his team with shit like thunder wave, roar, stealth rock, fuck I don't know. All I know is you need to GET YOURSELF A GODDAMN AGGRON.
My teacher said to my I'm a failure, that I'll never amount to anything. I scoffed at him. Shocked, my teacher asked what's so funny, my future is on the line. " see professor" I say as the teacher prepares to laugh at my answer, rebuttal at hand. "I watch Rick and Morty." The class is shocked, they merely watch pleb shows like the big bang theory to feign intelligence, not grasping the humor. " I can't even understand it's sheer nuance and subtlety." "Well you see...WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!" One line student laughs in the back, I turn to see a who this fellow genius is. It's none other than Albert Einstein.
-I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 69 years - you never know what is gonna come through that door
-Wow, this sub just never ceases to amaze me. This just might be the worst post yet. Is this supposed to be funny? Because it just isn't. How can you honestly sit there and tell me music hasn't been going downhill since Queen (RIP Freddy Mercury). Do you even know what real music is? All this shit about mom's lasagna and ladybugs is just complete and utter garbage. You hear songs from the 60s and 70s that are still so iconic they are featured all the time. Today's music just doesn't have that staying power. It is just formulaic filth that panders to whatever today's youth is into. You think you can honestly sit there and tell me people will still be listening to Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj 30 years from now? Yeah fucking right. You still hear we are the champions by queen at every single sporting even in the world. No song made today will last anywhere close to that long. And where's the emotion? Where's the feeling? Back in my day artists actually put thought into what they wrote. And that's just it. Today's artists don't even write their own songs anymore. They get some guy with a degree in bullshit who makes money engineering these meaningless but catchy songs that rake in millions only because the record companies are forcing radio stations to play them every ten seconds to get them stuck in people's heads so that is all they can think of. This simply didn't happen in the 70s. People made songs based on how they were feeling. And guess what, their music also had impacts on what was going on in the world. You guys have probably never heard of him, but there was this indie guy named John Lennon who wrote a song about imagining the world without any violence. Now that's the type of stuff we need in today's music. Something to inspire the youth to do something good. That's why kids are always getting in so much trouble now. The music is telling them to fuck everything that moves and beat the shit out of each other. So they do it. No questions asked. And don't even get me started on today's celebrity worship. Do we really need to know every time Kim Kardashian is taking a shit? Seriously, who gives a fuck what those idiots are doing. Why are they even famous in the first place? And all this obsession with technology is driving us into idiots. You see with the most recent facebook scandal how easy it is for them to manipulate you. Do you guys even realize that facebook was designed for college students? Anyone under the age of 18 should not be allowed on it. Simple as that. I think you should be required to register with a .edu email when creating an account. That also keeps out the idiots that can't get into college and the poor people that can't afford it. And back in my day we didn't even need facebook, if you wanted to contact someone, you had to call their house. And guess what, if they weren't home, you didn't talk to them. We also had to memorize each others phone numbers by heart. Kids these days have it too easy putting everyone's numbers in their phones. And twitter is even worse. #what is the point of these things? Seriously, I don't get it. They are just made up catchphrases that make you sound stupid. And what is with advertisers trying to get me to use them? Like when a couple guys are going hiking and spot some wildlife and you see #ladybugs. Stop popping those things up in the middle of my show. I don't fucking care! Now I know you guys all agree with everything I just said but are going to down vote me anyway to try and fit in with the group. And that's fine. But listen to this first. Today's music is ruining this planet. Pretty soon there will be riots in the streets that will make Rodney king Dwarf in comparison. Freddy Mercury will rise from the dead and lead the charge in murdering Mark Zuckerberg, the Kardashians, Justin Bieber, and every other trendy celebrity that is ruining the youths. It will be called "the modern cleansing where a new renaissance will emerge. We will see Davinci and Michelangelo rise again and bring new artistic beauty in this world. And you will all see just how bad it really was.
Bro I woke up to my girl barking loud asf this morning at the door.. my sleepwalking ass was like bro wtf... she said “I’m the baddest bitch alive”. Bitches be going bitch mode nowadays too?? Imma be gay now I can’t do this shit
haha what a funny fucking chap you are. how long did it take you to think of that one, you fantasmogorical fuck head: a minute, a day, a week, a month, a year? did you slave over your phone, drooling at the thought of an insult? did you constantly wonder and scratch your head over the herculean task of finding an retort, did you waste your pathetic worthless life trying to slander as you've done, because well well done assface you finally done it you finally thrown away everything you're waste of life has been leading up to. because the infinite amount of words that could spew out of your mouth. you chose to waste them on the most worthless, valueless little of no value, meritless, rubbish, trashy, poultry, inferior, second rate, third rate, low grade, cheap, shoddy tawdry, twopenny-halfpenny, nickel and dime, useless, futile, ineffective, fruitless, unproductive, unavailing, pointless, valueless words you could possibly have used.
Click on the 3 images above for surprises! (every one is sth different)
under co.